Hi, 我是Ji,一位留学日本的硕士二年级学生。
我的研究方向是数字化工程 (digital engineering),简单地来说就是通过光学/CT扫描获取物体的三维模型并进行处理。我的爱好是胶片摄影,以及打游戏(顺带一提,博客的网页图标是《侠客风云传》里的大师兄谷月轩,我很喜欢这个游戏)。
Hi, this is Ji, a second-year master student studying abroad in Japan.
My research interest is digital engineering. Simply speaking, it obtains 3d models of real-world objects through optical/ CT scanning and processes them. My hobbies are film photography and video games.
My blog is used to record my study and life. The blogs are mainly about topics related to my research, answers to LeetCode problems, etc. I write C++ and have the experience of using PCL/OpenGL/OpenCV/Unity. I am currently learning Python.
If you want to know more about me, please check my resume.